YOP’s has been working with 15 councils in the North West (Bamenda 1, Bamenda 2, Bamenda 3, Babessi, Bafut, Bali, Batibo, Fundong, Jakiri, Kumbo, Mbengwi, Ndu, Santa, Tubah and Wum) building the capacities of members of the National Youth Council to advocate for youth policies at local levels. “Strengthen the Capacities of Youth Leaders to Advocate for the Implementation of Youth Policies” was initially financed under the 10th EDF (European Development Fund) with PASC (Civil Society Strengthening Programme). This action of YOP built the capacities of 150 youth leaders in advocacy, lobbying and monitoring of youth policy implementation in their communities. Town hall meetings were organized bring youth leaders, administrative officials, councilors and other community leaders to address issues faced by young people.