“My name is Larri Sali, I am 21years and a mother of 2 children. I am internally displaced and currently expanding my skills in tailoring at Youth Outreach Programme’s center.”
Larri and her husband were forced to leave Wum when the fighting between the non-state armed separatists and military escalated. The conflict had taken a ugly twist which warranted them to abandone all they had and run for their lives! Some members of the Wum community were accusing Muslim/Mbororos for aiding the military against the separatists. The Mbororos, an ethnic minority of herders, were accusing separatists of cattle rustling. Tension was rife in Wum and some Muslims felt they could become a target as social media was used to circulate inflamatory videos and messages.
Wum in Mechum Division, North West Region Cameroon is a hot bed for farmer – grazier conflicts. Due to depletednatural resources (water and land) these parties always clash with each other. Humans and animals at times sustain injuries from the conflict. The minority Mbororos herders are muslims, and widely viwed as strangers despite years of settling in the community while the predominant locals are farmers and christians or traditionalists.
Sali, Larri’s husband had already been attacked on numerous occasions when returning from his shop at the Wum central market by separatists. “The boys will collect all the money he had on him and would threaten kidnapping his family if he did not give them money! After the 3rd attack we decided it was time to move on”
Since arriving Bamenda the family has rented a room and Sali is trying to get back into business by moving around the city selling fabric. Larri on her part is trying to keep busy. Since coming through the doors of Youth Outreach Programme, she has participated in a capcity building workshop on urban gardening and has created a small farm infront of their new rented room. She is also expanding her tailoring skills.
“I kmow how to sew but I am limited! I can only sew dress designs worn by muslims. Here I am expanding my skills because I am leaning how to sew a variety of things, sticht the colourful traditional dresses used during special ceremonies in the North West region and also how to do jewelries with beads! If only I can support my husband in getting basic needs from my skills it will go a long way to put us back on our feet. I am also extremely happy here to with the other ladies because I can give support by sharing my skills in sewing designs for muslims.”
12 women are currently training at the YOP center and will be training for 12 months. All these with Mission 21 support.